b'WINGSPREAD I: STATEMENTS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE (1966) 1.Unprecedented demands are being imposed in the fire service by rapid social and technological change, 2.The public is complacent toward the rising trend of life and property loss by fire service. 3.There is a serious lack of communication between the public and the fire service. 4.Behavior patterns of the public have a direct influence on the fire problem. 5.The insurance interest has exerted a strong influence on the of organization of the fire service. This dominance seems to be waning. The fire must provide the leadership in establishing realistic criteria for determining proper levels of fire protection. 6.Professional status begins with education. 7.The scope, degree, and depth of the educational requirements for the efficient functioning of the fire service must be examined. 8.Increased mobility at the executive level of the fire service will be important to the achievement of professional status. 9.The career development of the fire executive must be systematic and deliberate. 10. Governing bodies and municipal administrators generally do not recognize the need for executive development of the fire officer. 11. Fire service labor and management, municipal officers, and administrators must join together if professionalism is to become a reality. 12. The traditional concept that fire protection is strictly a responsibility of the local governments must be reexamined.23'