b'WINGSPREAD VI: STATEMENTS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE (2016) 1. The United States fire and emergency services have an urgent need to be prepared for homeland security response and violent incidents in our communities. Critical factors for being prepared include gathering and using evidence and data to establish a preparedness plan and developing and improving relationships with all stakeholders and other related agencies. 2. As guardians of life safety, the United States fire and emergency services must expect, embrace, and adapt to change by continuing to define and adopt current administrative and operational best practices. To be competitive and sustainable in a changing environment, agencies must become change agents rather than reactionaries. 3. The United States fire and emergency services must recognize and address the impact occupational related disease and injury is having on the industry. The health of fire and emergency services personnel is of paramount importance to the community and to fire and emergency services. Every fire and rescue agency must focus on improving the overall health, wellness, and fitness levels of its members. 4. The United States fire and emergency services must embrace and participate in the on-going development of sensors and other technologies to protect the health and safety of its members. 5. The United States fire and emergency services must place importance on marketing and branding. Our ability to survive and thrive is dependent upon having the ability to communicate our value to the community. 6. The United States fire and emergency services must encourage the development and use of realistic training simulations (similar to commercial aviation flight simulations) delivered in ways that are intrinsically safe. Crew resource management and current hazard management certification programs should be modeled as examples of best practices in the development of training simulations. 7. Leaders in the United States fire and emergency services must develop positive human relation skills, knowledge, and abilities to manage in current32'