b'WINGSPREAD III: STATEMENTS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE (1986) 1. Society in general appears unwilling to take full advantage of the knowledge and technology which has proven effective in mitigating the fire problem. 2. Public fire safety education will not achieve its potential until it is organized in a systematic manner based on human behavior. 3. Professional development in the fire service has made significant strides, but improvement is still needed. 4. Decision makers in local government need better criteria to determine an adequate level of cost-effective fire protection. 5. The fire service should review the effectiveness of the federal fire programs of the U.S. Fire Administration and National Fire Academy to determine if they are of continued benefit in reducing the fire problem. 6. The traditional role of fire departments is changing. 7. Analyzing Americas fire problem requires a more effective system of data collection. 8. The misuse of alcohol and controlled substances is a serious fire service problem. 9. There is a need for increased emphasis on firefighter health and safety. 10. Personnel management in the fire service is becoming increasingly more complex. 25'