b'statement for the industry. This section provides a brief, but important orientation of the issue, helping the reader to understand the context of how and why the statement was added to the final report.To blend thirty-seven strong, intelligent, and opinionated personalities into a single voice was an arduous challenge to say the least, but one the team strove to achieve. Building this consensus document meant sacrificing individual views. Some disagreed on what was added, and others disagreed on what was omitted. That is to be expected in a consensus process. In the final analysis we believe this document represents accurately the overall view of the group. It is the rich and valuable dialogue that provided the basis for this report. The ideas and recommendations of the significant issues presented here are directed towards continuous improvement in the fire and emergency services.The Wingspread VII committee trusts that each reader will find this report useful to help every department and allied agency improve their operation and be able to better serve their communities. A website (http://www.wingspreadvii.org) has been established to allow everyone free and easy access to this report. The committee requests that as many as possible fire and emergency service associations receive a printed copy of the report.Thank you for taking time to review this letter and to consider blending the results of this report to improve fire and emergency services. To learn more about Wingspread, there will be national discussions on these topics over the coming years at major events - please plan to attend one or more.We hope you will find this report of interest and will use it toward a fire safe and secure America.Dennis L. RubinBruce H. VarnerDennis L. RubinBruce H. Varner Co-ChairCo-Chair2'